Today was a pretty solid 5 hour session. I went cashless for the first 4.5 hours, which made me want to rip my hair out, but at the end I managed a win and a 5th in a 26$ which brought me to a total profit of $212. My overall level of play was ok, but I think I was tilted when I took multiple bad beats in under 1 minute for large stacks. Had I stuck to my formula I probably would have made around $500 instead. At least I am recognizing the tilt now so that I can take action against it. When this trigger for tilt happens in the future I will take a few deep breaths, review my strategy, and continue to play. It would be nice if I could just take a break, but the nature of these games prevent that. As I learn more about tilt management I can come up with better strategies. Anyway, here are the Sharkscope stats:
Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit
ChuckRuns 35 $5.33 $14 -5% $187
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